Hey hey no time no blog,
Yeah i've been busy with all that UAN thingy but now is may and im totally FREE from anything YIPIEEE :D
Actually the most happiest thing on april is my birthday in 28th, now i'm 18 Year Old wohooo, so freakin excited. Sebenernya sedih juga sih karena berarti gw tambah tua, but it's okay at least i'm not in the same age as bieber ;)
Anyway, di umur ke 18 ini gw sangat amat bahagia, kenapa?
1. Gw masih punya Tuhan Yesus yang selalu ngelindungin gw
2. Papa & Mama yang luar biasa
3. Temen - temen yang baik, keren dan selalu bikin gw happy
4. Diucapin subuh2 sama doi hihihi~
Gw gak ngerayain gede2an, cuma traktir best friends gw aja di starbucks. Why sturbucks? Because i love coffee, why coffee? because cofffee makes me happy :D

Being 18 is a blast, and 17 is just a sweet memories. I wish everything
would be better in my new age. so happy birthday to me :D :)

those greatest people in my life, love you guys ;)