Once we get into combat, they only people you can trust is yourself and the fella next to you. - Bill Guarnere
I like Winters, he's a good man. But when the bullets start flying, I don't know if I want a Quaker doing my fighting for me - Bill Guarnere
Men, it's been a long war, it's been a tough war. You've fought bravely, proudly for your country. You're a special group. You've found in one another a bond, that exists only in combat, among brothers. You've shared foxholes, held each other in dire moments. You've seen death and suffered together. I'm proud to have served with each and every one of you. You all deserve long and happy lives in peace. - Liebgott (Translating a speech a German General is giving to his men after they all surrendered)
That's edelweiss. It grows in the mountains, above the treeline. Which means he climbed up there to get it. Supposed to be the mark of a true soldier. - Cpt. Lewis Nixon
Only virgin I know is the Virgin Mary - Pvt. Ralph Spina
We're not lost, Private. We're in Normandy. - Richard Winters
If there ain't no body, then there ain't nobody dead. - Bill Guarnere