Setinggi langit dari bumi
JalanMu tak terselidiki
Namun yang percaya akan melihat
Semua indah pada waktu yang tepat
Kau Tuhan yang tak kan memberi
Batu bagi yang minta roti
Dibalik setiap pencobaan
Ada berkat besar yang Kau sediakan
Ku tahu rancangan yang ada padaMu
Tentang diriku
Bukan rancangan kecelakaan
Tetapi rancangan damai sejahtera
Untuk memberikan
Hari depan yang penuh dengan harapan
Oleh Jonathan Prawira
Rabu, 26 Desember 2012
26 december 2012, me and my friends planned to have a late christmas dinner. So we decided to choose PARC 19.

PARC 19 located in Kemang. With a concept of Glass House it was really a good place for you to hang out with friends or family. The prize was standard from 45k for foods and around 20k for drinks. And they serve a large portion so you can share for two.
Here is my recommendation
chicken marsala
chocolate love

PARC 19 Bistro Terrace
Jl Taman Kemang No 19. Kemang
+622171794808 / +62217199988
Don't be afraid to be yourself.
Reblog and bold what applies to you.
My appearance:
- I’m loud.
- I’m sarcastic.
- I cry easily.
- I have a bad temper.
- I’m easy to get along with.
- I have more enemies than friends.
- I’ve smoked.
- I drink coffee.
- I clean my room daily.
- I wear makeup
- I wear a piece of jewellery at all times.
- I wear contacts.
- I wear glasses.
- I have braces.
- I change my hair color often.
- I have a piercing or more than 2 rings
- I have small feet.
- I’m in a relationship now.
- I’m single.
- I’m crushin’.
- I’ve missed an ex before.
- I’m always scared of being hurt.
- I’ve told someone I loved them when I didn’t.
- I’ve told someone I didn’t love them when I did.
- I’ve been in love more than two times.
- I believe in love at first sight.
- I have a best friend.
- I have at least ten REAL friends.
- I’ve gotten a phone call in the last 48 hours from a friend.
- I’ve beaten up a friend.
- I’ve been in a serious fight with a friend.
- I can trust at least five people with my life.
- I’ve been on a plane.
- I’ve taken a taxi.
- I’ve taken a city bus.
- I’ve taken a school bus.
- I’ve made a speech.
- I’ve been in some sort of club.
- I’ve spent 24 hours on the computer straight.
Family Life:- I listen to pop.
- I listen to techno.
- I listen to rock.
- I’m one of those people who play songs repeatedly until I
hate them MORE- I download music.
- I buy CD’s.
- I get along with both of my parents for the most part
- My biological parents are still together.
- I have at least one brother.
- I have at least one sister.
- I’ve been kicked out of the house.
- I’ve ran away from my home.
- I’ve sworn at my parents. (but not directly)
- I’ve made my parents cry.
- I’ve lied to my parents.
- I’ve lied to my parents about where I am.
- I’ve lied to my parents about what I’m doing.
- I’ve had streaks.
- I’ve cut my hair in the past year.
- I’ve dyed my hair in the past year.
- I’ve been blonde.
- I’ve had black.
- I’ve been red.
- I’ve been light brown.
- I use conditioner.
- I’ve curled my hair.
- I’ve straightened my hair.
- I’m blonde.
- I’m not blonde but i’ve light hair.
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