Senin, 01 Maret 2010

Beauty of nature

Hear calls from nature
by: Shalini Kumari

If eyes full of dirt cannot see the word
Truly says, mind full of dirt cannot see the goodness of mother earth,
Mind and eyes are two component that capture the mother earth system,
The earth as a system survive by decaying of waste and harmful product,
The human too survive by perishing bad and sustaining good
If I say, human is powerless to perish bad, human is efficient to perform good deeds by true action
Natural system goes on working by the renewable energy,
The same fact lies with human spiritual power a motivating energy
If flowers, mountains, smile keeps you peaceful
Friendly attitude, to be helpful to others, guiding others, giving knowledge or sharing makes your mind peaceful
I salute to nature for being my teacher
Still I say there more to learn from nature.....

all photos by : Jemy Stefanus

Path of Heaven

Hey bloggy, sudah lama tidak tulis blog. Busy, for sure. Gw abis school trip gitu ke bali. Tapi dari trip ini nih bner2 beda, beda dari trip yg laen. Trip ini ngubah gw, apa yang berubah?

- Gw jadi item kayak anak kampung
- Vertigo kambuh
- Makin deket sama temen2
- Nambah temen baru
- Nambah pengalaman baru
- Nambah hobi baru

Yah pokoknya banyak lah yg nambah, hheheh

Seneng bgt bisa ikut trip ke bali 2, karna yg pasti bali 2 tuh beda total sama bali 1. Bali 2 tuh sekarang udah jadi kayak keluarga. This is why i'm so sad to leave this trip. well, mau gimana lagi. gw yakin bali 2 bakalan kumpul lagi dan yg pasti bakal naek gunung lagi.

Thank you bgt buat semua kakak-kakak dari backup, Kak vera, kak norman, kak erik, kak afro, kak farli, kak rambang kak intan pokoknya semuanya yg udah mau nemenin acara kita, you guys rock, hoki bgt bisa ketemu orang kayak dia.

I believe this trip wouldn't end. Path of Heaven will last forever, this not the end but this is a new journey, new journey to a real friendship and family :D

♥ ♥ ♥